Tuesday 20 September 2011

Opening Credits of Delicatessen -Unfinished

The music for this film starts off very eerie and hollow sounding. the colours used in the opening shot are a bland Sepia tone which remains throughout the opening credits. In these opening credits, we are taken through a shop door and see a man sharpening a large knife this could suggest cut something, which combined with the eerie tone of the music could also suggest he is going to harm someone; we are then shown another room which seems to be darkened by newspaper being stuck to the windows, suggesting the man in the room is hiding. We see a man wrapping himself up on some sort of padded material before getting into a bin and being taken away, breathing heavily as he appears to be nervous or scared of what is going to happen. The opening credits end with the bin being opened by the man, who at the beginning was sharpening the knife, laughing at the other man in the bin before attacking him with a knife. Then the credits end with a sharp noise and a blackened screen before the name of the film appears.

Opening Credits of City of God - Unfinished

The City of God starts with a knife being sharpened on a stone. There is some lively sounding music being played in the background along with food and drink being prepared and close up of carrots being cut and chickens being slaughtered. Suddenly one of the chickens had escaped and a group men chased after it with guns suggesting a violent theme in the film.
 Towards the end of the film two kids appear and start to talk about a picture one of the boys has taken which has the potential to change his life, shortly after this the music changes and becomes more eerie as the boy is then placed between the gang and a large number of police officers, all pointing guns at each other. This could symbolise that the boy is torn between right and wrong, and also that he is the main character as he is the main focus in this shot.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Is Media Vital To Everyday Life?

In today’s society media is an essential part of our day-to-day lives. It allows us to communicate and reconnect with people around us and across the globe quickly, efficiently and in a variety of ways e.g. television, radio, magazines etc.

People have benefitted massively from the advances technology has made within very few years. Without these advances there wouldn’t be as any life changing developments, such as developments made in life changing medical treatments.

The media is also a good source of entertainment and information making most things in life much more accessible to everyone. Without information being so easily accessible, we wouldn’t be as aware and knowledgeable about modern day issues such as increases in certain cancers or war developments.

However, with social media becoming more and more involved in our daily lives through the use of phones, social networking sites, and email etc. the amount of face-to-face contact with peers and co-workers is decreasing as there is no longer a need for it which could lead to many people becoming socially isolated and having a lower quality of life.  

Media can used irresponsibly and can have a damaging impression on people who are easily influenced, young people in particular, having a large impact on their views of themselves and the world around them. For example, anorexia and bulimia have become more common amongst today’s youth and much of this has been blamed on the media showing far too many images of models and ‘celebrities’ who are underweight or anorexic themselves, leading young people to believe this is how they want to be or believe they should be.  

So, overall I do think that the media is very beneficial to not just our daily lives, but to life as we know it as many scientific and medical breakthroughs could not have happened without the media’s helping hand. However, I wouldn’t say it’s vital as it is possible to live your life and learn new things without the use of media. Having said this, media has grown considerably in the past few years and no doubt it will continue to grow at an accelerated rate. And as we are all affected by media in some shape or form, I think that the media will become vital in order for us as human beings to move forward and carry on developing and I think in the future the media will play a much larger role in our lives, if it isn’t already.