Tuesday 20 September 2011

Opening Credits of Delicatessen -Unfinished

The music for this film starts off very eerie and hollow sounding. the colours used in the opening shot are a bland Sepia tone which remains throughout the opening credits. In these opening credits, we are taken through a shop door and see a man sharpening a large knife this could suggest cut something, which combined with the eerie tone of the music could also suggest he is going to harm someone; we are then shown another room which seems to be darkened by newspaper being stuck to the windows, suggesting the man in the room is hiding. We see a man wrapping himself up on some sort of padded material before getting into a bin and being taken away, breathing heavily as he appears to be nervous or scared of what is going to happen. The opening credits end with the bin being opened by the man, who at the beginning was sharpening the knife, laughing at the other man in the bin before attacking him with a knife. Then the credits end with a sharp noise and a blackened screen before the name of the film appears.

1 comment:

  1. A great start - pity it is unfinished, this could have been finished at home.

    HOME LEARNING - no evidence of you having completed what was set - the research and questions on Film.

    www - clearly well observed and described, a strong attempt to engage with all elements including sound and picture.

    ebi - need to develop more confident use of media terminology as applied to the various media languages.
